Whenever you sign up for an event, lottery, demo, newsfeed, extranet access, or simply ask to be contacted by a Nextway specialist, you leave personal information with us. Information like: name, job title, company name, email, phone number, and interests. Whenever you communicate with Nextway staff using their business email, the entire email correspondence is archived - unless marked #Private. Whenever you visit our website, we track the traffic with your user id, IP address, and cookies.
See our cookie policy.
We track web traffic to optimize the web experience, and to learn what topics actually generate interest. We use the information for the sole purpose of providing you with the services you requested. We never share your information with anyone else. Promise. We use the information to send you related news emails – our Next®:News. If at any point in time, you no longer find these emails valuable, simply click unsubscribe.
We keep the collected information in our in-house databases, well-protected inside the EU, Norway, and Switzerland. We do use external cloud-based tools like Mailchimp, Google Analytics, and Google AdWords, where data resides in the US. When we do so, we make sure that they comply with the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks.
We keep your information on record until you tell us otherwise. We’d like to keep you up-to-date, for as long as you find it relevant. If you want to be deleted from a mailing list simply click ‘unsubscribe’ in any of the Next®:News emails. If you’d like to know what we have on our records, or would like to be completely removed, just let us know on privacy@nextway.software.