The STARK Group lives and breathes to remove hassle and make life easier for the more than 450,000 tradespeople that are its customers. It aims at bringing everything they need within easy reach. It empowers its colleagues to offer eye-level service in a flash. And it uses its size to tradespeople's advantage.
This has made STARK Group a market-leading builders' merchant and distributor of heavy building materials in Europe with a net sales of €7BN.
The STARK Group sources more than 400,000 SKUs at scale from more than 15,000 suppliers to more than 450,000 tradespeople via a densely knitted network of 1,150 warehouses, distribution centers, branches, and shops located close to building sites. The Group employes more than 20,000 people.
The STARK Group is on an ambitious growth journey that combines organic and acquisitional growth.
Their strategy towards 2027 is based on 10 primary pillars, where number four is:
"Digital in everything we do: Aim to establish a modern digital foundation that makes key processes more effective, frees up time, and provides smarter, value-adding services that solve essential customer pain points."
If you think carefully, I trust you can imagine what role IT plays in an organization like STARK. Without super flexible, scalable, efficient, reliable, and secure IT systems in every part of the business, STARK will fail. No number of skilled people, forklifts, or trucks can compensate for failing IT systems.
Does that sound familiar? If you work in Insurance or in Finance, it sure does. There is simply no difference between the requirements of STARK Group, and that of our most demanding customers in Insurance and Finance.
The Next® Enterprise Document Management, that serves major institutions in Insurance and Finance throughout Europe, is a perfect fit for the IT landscape at STARK Group. That's why STARK Group is a perfect fit for Nextway and our vision.
And trust us, we are proud to serve STARK Group for many years to come.
Thousands of people within the retail industry use Next® every day.
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