Implementing a new software solution in a company always takes time. More time than expected. Often much more time. But if you are looking to implement an enterprise content management (ECM) system for Salesforce, it doesn’t have to be like that.
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No responsible company seeks to breach GDPR. So why do most of them do it? This is very much down to human behavior and bad habits. Fortunately, there is a solution. After reading our 4 steps to be GDPR compliant you will know.
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What if your most important customer contract finds its way to your competitor? Your biggest sourcing contracts? The employment contracts for your sales team? You simply cannot allow that to happen - right?
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When organizations invest in the Salesforce platform for Sales, Customer Support, or Field Services, they do so to streamline and digitize their work processes. They do it to optimize their information management and ultimately become a lean-mean-executing-machine.
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No-one in their right mind would manage millions of documents in Salesforce. Still, many have exactly that need.
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Even if you are just trying to keep track of employee contracts, agreements for phone, internet, office rentals, or software maintenance, there are cheaper ways.
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Forever is a long time. Even Connor MacLeod, the famous Highlander in the ‘80s movie thought so, after four centuries of immortality. In some cases, however, documents exist nearly forever. At least in a human lifetime perspective.
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If you recall the scene in Apollo 13, where duct tape saves the lives of Tom Hanks and his crew, you know what I mean.
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With the changed terms and conditions for Java from Oracle, you'll be pleased to know that there are free alternatives for you.
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With the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enforcement deadline coming up in May 2018, being GDPR compliant is more relevant than ever. That also goes for dealing with your business contracts.
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