8/25/2021 Meet Henrik Baasch, CCO & SVP Insurance at the Forsikring 2021 conference on 25-26 August.
The face of insurance is changing in Denmark. New insurtech companies challenge traditional players with their all-digital business models. Pushing the industry towards new technological developments. Digitization creates new opportunities for insurers of all types and sizes to become more customer-centric, faster, and compliant.
At the Forsikring 2021 (Insurance 2021) conference, various market players gather to present their take on these issues. Including Nextway, one of the leading document and process management specialists in the industry.
Represented by Henrik Baasch, CCO & SVP Insurance, we’ll join the Danish insurance industry’s dialogue at the Forsikring 2021 conference.
Henrik Baasch CCO, SVP Insurance +45 60 40 92 78 hba@nextway.software |