1/1/2020 Same company, same people, new name.
Multi Support seemed like the perfect name way back. It has served us well for decades. Providing services and support to our customers is what we’re all about.
But Multi Support no longer tells the full story. The story of an international software vendor with a suite of innovative products based on the Next® platform.
As we expand globally together with customers and partners we need a name that can grow with us.
A name like Nextway Software.
We hope you like it. We do.
Take a look at the frequently asked questions.
Didn’t answer your question? Feel free to drop me an email or give me a call.
Kim Hellum CEO & Founder +45 40 37 97 47 |
Q: What are your official company names?
A: See the list below mapping new to old names:
New name | Former name |
Nextway Software A/S | Multi-Support International A/S |
Nextway Software Denmark A/S | Multi-Support Danmark A/S |
Nextway Software Germany GmbH | Multi-Support Deutschland GmbH |
Nextway Software Norway AS | Multi-Support Norge AS |
Nextway Software UK Ltd. | Multi-Support UK Ltd. |
Nextway Software Finland Oy | Multi-Support Finland Oy |
Nextway Software Sweden AB | Multi-Support Sverige AB |
Nextway Software Switzerland GmbH | Multi-Support Switzerland GmbH |
Nextway Software Austria GmbH | Multi-Support GmbH |
Q: Do I need new agreements with you?
A: No. The company is legally the same entity as before. All agreements stay in effect.
Q: Have you changed addresses or phone numbers?
A: No. Nothing is changed. For the complete list, please visit our contact page.
Q: Do I need to use new email addresses?
A: Yes please. Until now all our email addresses were xxx@multi-support.com. Now they are xxx@nextway.software.
Q: Does the email address end with ‘.software’ instead of ‘.com’?
A: Yes it does.
Q: What about company ownership?
A: Nothing has changed. Same company, same people, new name.